Championing LGBTQ+

Championing LGBTQ+ colleagues


We provide a wide range of activity and programs to support, empower and advance our LGBTQ+ colleagues. From celebrating Pride and LGBTQ+ History Months to networking, professional development and a number of social events.

  • Spectrum LGBTQ+ Affinity Network (London, US, Asia-Pacific and Germany): Spectrum spearheads our global Pride and LGBTQ+ History Month celebrations, while also informing programs and policies to ensure we're offering a Firm that works for everyone
  • Sponsorships of LGBTQ+ professional development and career conferences, including the annual Lavender Law Conference and Career Fair in the US, DiversCity in Law in London and ProutatWork in Germany
  • Annual global and in-country Pride, Black Pride and LGBTQ+ Month celebrations
  • Personalized outreach to law school LGBTQ+ affinity groups including OUTlaw and Lambda
  • National Coming Out Day celebrations with office-wide stories from our people




Erin McNamee
My Pride Story: Erin McNamee
"Being my whole self at work and trusting others to support me has been freeing"
Anthony Colegrave
My Pride Story: Anthony Colegrave
"Pride is about a sense of joy and oneness"
Pride banner
How to be an LGBT+ ally in Pride Month and beyond
Ten things that you can do to be an effective ally