Empowering our people

Empowering our people


Our Networks are open to everyone at the Firm, including allies. Being a member means being part of a global community dedicated to identifying personal and professional development and networking opportunities, including coaching and mentoring, while also providing opportunities to raise concerns, challenges or provide feedback and advocate for change. 

Our networks include:

  • Black Affinity Networks (US and EMEA): Promoting the cultural awareness and history of the Black experience and supporting on recruitment, leadership, and development programs
  • Minority Ethnic Affinity Networks: Supporting underrepresented and minority colleagues in our offices in Germany and London
  • Alianza Affinity Network: Promoting cultural awareness of the Latinx American experience for colleagues in the US, while supporting on a number of recruitment and development initiatives
  • Asian Affinity Network: Supporting Asian lawyers and business services colleagues
  • Spectrum LGBTQ+ Network (London, US, Asia-Pacific and Germany): Supporting the Firm's community of LGBTQ+ lawyers and business services colleagues, and supporting on recruitment, leadership, and development programs
  • Middle Eastern and North African Affinity Network: Providing a sense of community and belonging for lawyers and business services colleagues of Middle Eastern and/or North African background
  • Local Women’s Networks with representation in 40 of our offices, offering professional development, networking and support opportunities to lawyers and business services professionals


paper rolls
Equity at Work: Fulfilling Its Promise through Process
US Affinity Network lawyers
Discover our Affinity Networks in the US
"I've gained so much from being a member of this network"
Creating an inclusive workplace through allyship
Allyship is a verb, not a noun


