Labour markets are high on the enforcement agenda of antitrust authorities, with investigations ramping up across the globe.
Please join us for a webinar where our panellists will discuss, from a global perspective, why and how antitrust authorities are investigating certain practices in labour markets, such as no-poach agreements, non-compete agreements, wage-fixing and the exchange of competitively sensitive information.
Thursday, 14 March 2024
3:00 p.m.– 4:00 p.m. CET
Our panellists will share their thoughts on:
- The drivers behind the tightening antitrust scrutiny of labour markets
- Key global enforcement developments
- Analytical challenges
- Best practice compliance measures
- Jorge Ferreira, Head of Anti-Cartel Unit, Portuguese Competition Authority
- Cristina A. Volpin, Competition Policy Expert, OECD
- Elisée Chazal, Senior Legal Counsel, Antitrust, The Adecco Group
- James Killick, White & Case Partner, Brussels
- Jaclyn Phillips, White & Case Associate, Washington, DC
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This article is prepared for the general information of interested persons. It is not, and does not attempt to be, comprehensive in nature. Due to the general nature of its content, it should not be regarded as legal advice.
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